There are times when I dream about being back in the times of my ancestors, back in the 1700 - 1800's, oh, I know, life meant very little to some and being in the elite class meant everything and hardships were more often than not, certain aspects of those times appeal to me, especially when it comes to dealing with idiots.
There are also times that I wonder what my life would have been like if I had continued on and did join the military, at the time after graduating from high school, I thought about joining the Army and lately I've wondered what it would have been like for me to join the Marine corps. When I think back, I might have gone into Psyops, mostly because of my interest in languages and computers. In 2001, I actually went to see a recruiter to see about enlisting in the Army reserves, if I had continued, I would've been in Psyops. I also think I would have been a lifer as well, when I consider my current situation, it would have been a really good choice.
I think that if I had decided to go into the Marines, I would've either gone into recon or sniper school and being able to work in a solitary manner, I think I would've fit right into that MOS. As several of my friends know, I am able to sleep in any condition, in any environment and also able to function with very little sleep. I don't have any objections to eating anything and can survive on just about anything if I had to. Another thing that would've made me a really good candidate would be also my martial arts skills, but I'm not saying what kind of skills or which art I've studied.
It wasn't too bad of a day at work, but some of the work ethics of my "co" workers are really starting to get on my nerves. At work, there are people that complain about some people that don't do the work that their supposed to, but when it comes to themselves they do exactly the thing that they complain about. Today, there was an issue that a person was dealing with and all they do is open tickets, but when it comes to following up on it as to why its not doing what its supposed to do, they leave it the way it is and let the other people deal with it, which makes more work for others, but why should they care, its not them, right?
Another issue is on certian days its really busy with a lot of people calling in because of the issues their having either equipment, signons or network, on those days, I end up taking the most calls and no one else comes even close to the number of calls that I take, not by 30 to 50 calls. All their concerned about is not having to answer the phones because their "working" on issues of equipment, so they have at least 130 tickets opened or worked on open tickets and basically said "screw the people calling in". Then they wonder why people either complain about them or why the others don't help them out with updates.
The updates can wait! You try dealing with someone that was waiting on hold for about 15 to 30 minutes and there are about 10 to 15 people waiting to talk to someone because either their having equipment issues or are unable to login or whatever that will hold them back from doing their work. At that point the users are pretty pissed off and for the person that answers the phone, has to deal with them.
Anyway enough of that... now for something a little more pleasent, I find that by keeping a journal helps me deal with these things and also coming home to Samantha... Well anyway, I'll end my journal here, I hope that those who read my journal stay safe and stay well...
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