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Monday, November 20, 2006

IJVB (Internet Japan Virtual Broadcasting Network)

It's a late start but I've decided to join the Podcasting community and add one more to the mix. I'm hoping that this will stand out among the millions that are out there, mostly using my experience from the days of working for a Radio Station in Hawaii called KZOO radio. KZOO was a AM radio station, presenting a Japanese format radio station bringing music and news from Japan and also including some local fair as well.

Currently I'm working on trying to contact the major record labels in Japan and try to get them to send me promotional music from new and current artist that they would like to showcase either emerging artist or artist that have new albums that they have recently released or about to be released.

I believe that there is a market for this type of entertainment with the millions of Japanese nationals either immigrating, working or studying in the U.S. I would also like to showcase artists from Hawaii, both new and old artists. Right now, I'm in the planning and setup phase of my first podcast. I hope to start off with a half hour podcast and eventually make it an hour long show. If it eventually does become popular, I just may decide to make it live. For a live show, I'll need to see about getting sponsers to keep up with the cost of live broadcasting.

つづく ( To be continued... )

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

TekWar / IT Heirarchy

TekWar / IT Heirarchy
Originally uploaded by TekBandit66.
As I was sitting around late one night, I came up with the idea how IT is a parallel to IT. You have your CIO (Chief Information Officer) below him you have your department heads and so on and so forth. The image is from a quick org chart I created to visually state the relation between the two. Basically you have your daily battles of trying to keep the networks from falling apart, in order to do this, you have your soilders in a ever present, never ending battle with both technology and the ever elusive Murphy.

The mercenaries of IT are usually contractors, usually only there for the money, the "hired guns" of IT if you will. Mercenaries are also usually employees that stick around until something that offers better money (pay, salary, etc...) Below them, you have other types of people...

You could even modernize it and compare IT to the Military. However I like the Feudal Japan system better, without having to commit seppuku.

つづく ( To be continued... )