On my way to work today, as I was riding the bus, i've come to realize how true that saying is. I should explain what brings me to this conclusion of my own opinion, one of my hobbies is sociology, sociology, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
1 : the science of society , social institutions, and social relationships; specifically : the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings
2 : the scientific analysis of a social institution as a functioning whole and as it relates to the rest of society
Well anyway, some people appear to be friendly and genuinely interested in wanting to be your friend or get to know you and There are people that act friendly and act like they want to get to know you.
There are also people that appear to be unfriendly but prefer to keep to themselves and there are people who are just unfriendly. Anyway, while riding the bus I see the different kinds of people that get on the bus and while walking around. Most of the time its more of a feeling that I can't explain. I have been using my sixth sense more and more, it seems that while working for a local police department at a hospital, I have had to rely on my feelings. I'm not a judgemental person, but all of my feelings were confirmed while working there.
While at work today, things seemed a lot more pleasant even though it was pretty busy, not like it has been previously. At the end of my shift, I had approximately 47 tickets that I had opened for various incident, most, I believe, were for password resets. I suspect that it was much higher because I didn't open tickets for all calls I took.
After work, on my ride back home on the bus, I could feel some of the other passengers feelings, feelings of being tired and looking forward to being at home. There were some of the other passengers I could feel that were... well, lets just leave it at that.
My mothers birthday gift finally arrived which I was finally glad that it came. I'll end my journal here and try to make sure that I add more tomorrow. Here is the card she sent, what a sense of humor...

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