Anyway, tonight we had a defensive tactics / handcuffing class for the department and I wasn't looking forward to going because I don't like the Captain who is almost always there. She treats everyone as if they were beneath her. Anyway, I ended up going to the training and of course, she was there, so I didn't say anything to her and just about smoked about half my pack while I was there waiting for the rest of the recruits and officers to show up.
Well, after about half an hour another officer showed up and while she was talking with him, she said out loud to that officer "I'm sure [my name] will move from the desk so that you can get your paperwork done". One of my major pet peeves is don't talk about me as if I'm not there, if you got something to say, say it or ask me, to my face. I got pretty upset at that point and picked up my book and threw it so it would slam onto the table.
Well, the captain, now acting like a wounded duck decided to "tell" the inspector (like a little kid) that I had made a fuss, well, the inspector called me out and talked with me outside and I told him, that she (the captain) can go f**k herself, I also told him that the reason that I haven't been around lately was mostly because of her and that what she was doing was creating a hostile environment which would be grounds for a harassment lawsuit.
I also told the inspector that I had mentioned it to my direct superior of my intentions and by his request not to. So at his request, I decided not to and wait. I also expressed my concerns about the Lt. and his lack of backbone to deal with the issues that I had brought up and re-informed him of the chain of command. However he still didn't want to deal with the issues. I had also brought up the issue with a officer that was under my command and what the Captain had told her, it seems that the inspector was more than willing to deal with the issues that I brought up than both my superiors.
Well, anyway, after the training class, I didn't stick around after, as soon as I could, I left and came home. Well, I guess that's it for now, I'll write more again tomorrow. Till then, stay safe and stay well.
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