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Friday, October 20, 2006


All the parts had arrived yesterday, picked them up from my friends house. After getting home, I wasn't in an extreme rush to get the computer up, so I took my time taking out the old stuff and replacing it with the new parts. I was basically planning out the install as I was doing it. Samantha decided that the protective foam for the video card was a good place to lay down and watch me work on the computer (got a picture that I'll put up later). Everything went well, almost well, after getting the CPU fan on the processor and tried to reinsert the motherboard tray back into the case, the fan hit part of the case, it was just a little bit higher than the opening. Ended up having to remove the fan, inserting the motherboard tray and then re-installing the fan.

I took pictures of all the steps that I took and should have them posted to my flickr account soon. I'll have to install a new copy of Windows, as soon as that is done, I'll have all the pictures up and back online for a round of Battlefield 2 or two.

つづく ( To be continued... )

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