Last night, a last minute issue came up and I couldn't leave until it was completed, normally that wouldn't be a problem if I drive in, but because I was catching the bus with the hopes of at least getting up to a stop further up and making my walk a little closer, the issue ended up making me miss that last bus and I had to take a bus that the last stop was about 4 miles further. Now I live alone, I don't have anyone that I can call so I have to do things on my own.
Here is the map:

Now, Usually when I hike, I normally carry 2 containers of water, however I only had 1 not expecting to take as long as it did. Also, I wasn't expecting the temperature to go as low as 50 degrees, so I was only wearing a light jacket. I was also carrying a backpack and didn't take out some of the heavier stuff, so the total weight I was carrying about about 20 pounds.
So right now, my calves, thighs and feet are in pain, because of the temperature, I have a slight cold, and my forehead has a slight temperature. I wasn't wearing the right shoes and realized after starting my hike that I should've brought different shoes.
While I was walking, the only thing that I could think of was to get home, sleeping in my warm bed and just being home. At about half way I had promised myself that I wouldn't do this again, it's not worth it cause I knew that there would be some major after effects.
One thing for sure, I know how a Marine feels after returning from a 8 hour hike...
つづく ( To be continued... ) 若しかしたら...
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