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Monday, March 27, 2006


If I could, I would buy a state, build a very large wall and live in the middle of that state.

If I was rich, I would buy some land, 7 acres, it would be 3 by 3 with the 7th acre in the center.  I would build a house, similar to a Japanese house.  A Japanese house is either in a square shape or U shaped, this way, there is a garden or a court yard in the center of the house.  I’ll add images as soon as I can find my CAD program to make pictures.

Another type of house that I would like is converting an old 2 story warehouse into a home, the ground floor would have an indoor atrium, kitchen, workout area, garage and bathroom.  The second floor would have the living room and bedrooms.  The indoor atrium would have a waterfall, stream and a pond, which would also double as a swimming pool

Lately I haven’t had any motivation to do anything.  I should be working out, I should be doing something that I need to do, but have been avoiding it.  I don’t know if it’s the weather or just the mood at work, but I’ve been feeling like I just don’t want to do anything, at all.  

Yesterday would have been a good day to work on my hobby, photography, especially since getting the new camera, but I ended up doing nothing.  Hopefully next weekend will be a nice one to go out and take pictures.

Well, I guess this is a short one, off to play Battlefield 2.

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