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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This isn't Day Care and I'm not a baby sitter...

Depending on the job or the employer, playing around is fine, but in a business environment, business is business, not a playground, not daycare. Your getting paid to do a job. You want to play go work at GameWorks or some place similar. I wonder if it's because I'm getting old that I'm feeling this way. It could be that there was a major issue going on at work and one of the employee's there started sending out instant messages while trying to be funny... it's just that there were 20 plus calls waiting and messages like that just seem like they were playing around when there was work to be done.

The thing is, you want to be funny in an IM, go home and do that, but in a place of business, keep it professional. Not only are message logs available for emails, but they are also available for IM's. I'm the kind of person that believes work is work and outside of work, do what ever you want, just keep it legal. Like I've mentioned before in a previous post, I'm there to work, I was hired to do a job and was not hired to play around. If you don't want to work or you think that I'm making you look bad, then maybe your not working hard enough. If I feel that someone else is not working or doing what they should be doing, then I work harder to get it done, I have the right to complain because of this and they can't complain that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, that's because I'm doing their work for them.

There are several people at work that I don't have a complaint about and only because they work as hard as they can or as hard as I do, one of them is my Asian brother, another is that Disco Stu, another is the Man in Black, Dr. Giggles, Blogginuggin, Rysah57 and 2 others (I'll have names for them soon). I've tried to give that person advice, especially if that person wants to either move up or get better pay, but being as young as that person is, that person basically disregards my advice. Ok, so if the person wants to basically disregards my advice, then fine, no more looking out for that person, no further advice. Your on your own. What it comes down to is sink or swim. Keep going the path that your on, it's going to lead you no where. Being all buddy, buddy will get you no where and people will not take you serious.

Where I'm coming from is that I've been working since I was 10 years old and because of the way I treat work, people will take me seriously and I'll always be employed. It's when I start to slack off or not take the job seriously that I run into problems (apparently, this also includes job burnout).

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