Oh where do I begin... I knew her when I attended Intermediate school. We played in band together, she played the Oboe and I played Clarinet and because of my position in the Clarinet section, I sat next to her. At that time, her last name was Shimabukuro.
One of my favorite memories of her was during a concert at the Farrington High School Auditorium, just before and during the performance, I was trying to make her laugh cause she was nervous, I think she had a solo in one of the pieces we performed that night. Apparently it worked cause she wasn't as nervous as she was in the beginning.
At the end of the night, back at the band room, she came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, thanking me for helping her overcome her nervousness.
I can still see her smiling face when we were in that band room, making fun of her and her mock anger at us and Mr. Fukaya whenever we teased her. I was at S.B. Dole for only 2 years, in the 9th grade I had changed schools and went to Aiea. I lost touch with her and other people. After graduating from High School, I've thought of those people from time to time and when I moved from Hawaii to Minnesota, every so often I would think of Asa.
I tried to locate her every so often, hoping she was on either MySpace or Facebook but never could find her on there so that I could get back in touch.
This past Monday, March 2nd when I brought up the Honolulu Star Bulletin's web page and saw the article of a 43 year old woman who was stabbed. As I read the article, I saw the name Asa and that had me wondering if it was the same person. I searched to see if there was a picture of that person. When I did find the picture, I was utterly and completly shocked.
Since finding out it was her, I've been asking myself if she'd still be with us if I've been back in Hawaii, what could've I done, the loss, her family, her husband, her daughters, her smiling happy person that she was.
It'll take me some time to get over this. I'll always remember her and the loss we've all suffered on that day. I know your watching over all of us with your happy smile, always with us in our hearts, spirit and minds.
つづく ( To be continued... )
Asa ...
I had no idea until today of the news as of today. Stumbling through the internet awaiting my next appointment. Asa was a champion for the underdogs and the misfits when I was at Dole Intermediate. My fellow drummer in band Maurio as I will name him (yes, Mr. Fukaya was our teacher as well) were a year younger and we made it a point to makes sure she and a friend of hers got flowers at the end of the year band dance for helping us fit in.
She was half my height but was able to be a leader among many and led our high school band and in many other ways as well. She inspired me to try out and attempt serving in student government and I had the grace to play with her as she learned percussion (quite easy for her as a talented piano player she was).
I met her year's later working at a bookstore in Ward Warehouse on her off days and saw her smile and peace filled self.
Life has surely changed and she has graced our lives. This tragedy hits deep.
I am no longer in Hawaii as well but beauty and courage embodied Asa. She is bright star and I pray and wish the very best for her young family.
Thanks for posting your words and the things you are processing.
To hear of old classmates passing on does affect us all.
Kenton MacDonald-Lin
I remember you Kenton. I played Clarinet and sat next to Asa, Gayle and Danilda.
Dear TekBandit:
I hope you are doing well. Don't need to post this but if you want to stay connected you can reach me at info@kentondesign.com
Glad you remembered me and I probably will remember you as when I pull out my old year books sometime (it is in storage).
Your blog is anonymous, etc. I knew some Aiea people but class of 84. Hope you move was a good one. Farrington was mostly a great experience at the end of my time. The first year and a half were the hardest.
Hope you are enjoying the mainland. I am in Vancouver BC
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