I am extremely disappointed by Amazon as a Amazon Prime Member. Especially since I am paying for that membership. I have had several bad experiences with orders that were shipped by Amazon that have been mostly delayed prior to this Pandemic and twice during.
In the most recent, I had ordered a desk from them and was given a date of arrival to which it didn't show up only to learn it was "lost", however after a week, it was "found" and delivered after being refunded.
I have since decided to keep the desk and accept the charge for it, however, the condition it arrived was in poor condition and there was slight damage to the product.
I've been told each time that they will fix the issue, but it seems it doesn't and all I'm getting is just something to calm me by the representative which doesn't get fixed.
Each time, I've been professional and calm, however, I'm finding that each time this happens, so far, five times already, I'm finding it harder and harder to keep calm and cordial.
It is getting to the point where I don't want to have anything to do with Amazon as a customer and campaign to have other customers to purchase items elsewhere.