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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Whiskey Lullaby (Featuring Alison Krauss) - Brad Paisley

She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind
Until the night

He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away her memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
With a note that said I'll love her till I die
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby

(Sing lullaby)

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby

(Sing lullaby)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Kilauea within us all...

The Japanese people have a good way of dealing with the pressures of everyday life... They drink just about every night to release the pressures of work, home, whatever. However, I don't drink much. So the pressure builds and continues to build until today.

Most Japanese, like the Samurai or Shinobi (Ninja) of old never showed any emotions, kept to themselves. I apparently have that within myself, but because of the American culture, at times, I do not hold it in very well. This is why a friend of mine once called me the Iceman or as I prefer Sub Zero. Unfortunately when I do show emotions, I over do it and tends to shock or scare people off...

So, what do I mean by my title? Kilauea is a Volcano located in Hawaii which is an active volcano, if you click on the link, it'll give you the information on it. What this all leads up to is that I've been holding in my current issue for over a year now, there have been only 5 people that I've told this about, apparently it hasn't been enough because, like Kilauea, it'll raise the cinder cone or the lava dome will increase in size and then go down again, until a big eruption and it all blows up. Like today. I don't know if I feel relieved or if I should just leave.

Lately, I've been tempted to put down all my dark thoughts, but I know that there are several people that read this, so I won't. Shadows should remain in the shadows.

つづく ( To be continued... )

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain...

Again, my absolute and incredibly most favorite person in the world is the subject of my most flattering comments... But first the lead in to my undying admiration and respect of... You guessed it, Ms. Wannabe.

Ok, when I get in to work, the first thing I do is open my applications, followed by my web browsers, why? Cause it's a tool that we use to find information on issues that were resolved by the numerous tech's before me (Oops, did I say tech's, I let that little hint as to the type of work I do). Now the first thing I notice is that our intranet and information resources are unavailable, so I let the Lt. and the Capt. know and since the Capt. had stepped out for a short bit, the Major.

Well, it had seemed that Ms. Wanna be was talking to someone who maintains the intranet and as if on a mission from God, goes off looking for the Lt., Lt. Dr. Giggles. As Ms. Wannabe is looking for the Dr. she asks someone if they had seen Dr. Giggles because she needs to ask (or tell) the Dr. that the Intranet is down. Well, alllllrrrrighty then, to save Ms. Wannabe some time, I told her that I had already informed Dr. Giggles of the problem, so she replies "Oh, it's not that, I have another question for him". Ok, fine. Dr. Giggles shows up and she tells him exactly what I already told him... What was the other question? If your going to lie, then don't do it in front of me. Like the saying goes: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain", Jackass. You know, if you think I'm stupid to believe you? Think again, I'm not the moron, moron. I think you should go back to school Ms. Wannabe so that you can learn to either lie better or learn that not everyone is dumber than you, which only leaves your husband (Oops, did I just give that away?) and your child.

I don't know who I should feel sorry for, you or for your child cause that's what your going to be teaching your child; your stupidity. Oh and by the way, your no tech, you can't even troubleshoot a PC properly, let alone a network problem. I think you should go back to your original job and let the truly knowledgeable do our jobs without having to clean up after you, on second thought maybe you shouldn't and you should find something a little more suitable to your knowledge cause I wouldn't want customers getting short changed cause of your stupidity. I hear that Walmart is looking for customer service reps. Now there's something you'd be best at and wouldn't be able to screw up, or maybe I shouldn't talk so soon...

Enough of that.

On my way into work today, it was a really nice drive in, got to work early so I was able to walk around and take a couple of pictures, for about 2 minutes while driving, I almost kept on driving, as to where, I didn't care. However the thing that prevented me from doing so is my responsibility to my job and of course, you guessed it, Samantha. One other thing, I had ordered some things from ThinkGeek and should be in by tomorrow, as well as the sub woofer for my creative zen TravelDock.

My Sea Monkey's are growing up just fine. Sure, their just Brine Shrimp, but just watching them is pretty relaxing... at times I wonder what they think about or how they see their world or the world around them.

つづく ( To be continued...)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Verification Enabled...

Sorry, due to occasional Anon comments, you now have to verify that you are indeed a living, breathing human, actually making a comment. Unlike bots that are basically dumb and are unable to pass such verification.

It's like World War II, in order for the Americans in the Pacific to verify that those passing a sentry were Americans, they had to say the word Lollipop. Unfortunately, Japanese were unable to pronounce the L in Lollipop and would pronounce it Rorripop.

Friday, April 14, 2006

It's not bad, but it's not awful...

While walking about town today, went over to Target and saw something new, apparently Coco-Cola came out with something new call Blak, a blended beverage with the flavor of coffee. It's almost like coke and coffee together, it's not that bad, but it's not something that I would want to drink on a regular basis.

I also ordered a sub woofer for the Zen Micro speakers that I have, the sounds are pretty impressive, but I'm guessing that it would sound even better with the sub. All of this in a compact size and perfect for travelling or just having something to listen to in the office, as I attempt to drown out some of my co-workers mindless babble (or humming).

By the way, to anyone that does celebrate Easter and I don't post anything till after, I hope that you all have a very enjoyable Easter.

Till the next entry.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Get a clue

I'm really getting pissed off at these people, they have to work with computers, they don't have to act like one. How difficult is it to read instructions? If your not going to read instructions, then don't expect to be hand held, treated like a child and shown what needs to be done. A pat on the head and a sympathetic "there, there now, everything is going to be all right".


You work at a job, your expected to either learn or at least know somewhat, how to use the tools that is necessary to carry out your job. For example as a carpenter, you should know how to use the tools to build a house or what ever wood product, correct? If you don't know how, then you don't use it. Would you trust someone that doesn't? Would you trust a firefighter that doesn't know how to use his or her tools to fight a fire?

Another example of ineffective people... you buy a new camera, do you throw the instruction booklet away right after opening the box to use your new camera? No, you keep the instruction book and refer back to it when you want to use a feature of the camera that your not familiar with... or do you call tech support cause you don't want to take the time to look through the book and expect them to teach you how to use the camera?

It's just amazing to me that people just don't read or pay attention to anything anymore, it just simply astounds me that more people don't get into accidents more often because they didn't see the sign telling them to stop at an intersection or yeild to the oncoming train while crossing the tracks. I take that back, there have been numerous incidents of that happening. These are the types of people that should be put into one large area where everything is coated with thick walls of rubber and have them drive around in bumper cars so that they don't hurt themselves or anyone else.

Now, another thing that is really getting on my nerves. When people say that they are trying to get into an application that is only a gateway to the actual system, unfortunately for us, we have to deal with several hundred different programs. It's like saying I'll take the car. Well, thats fine and dandy, but which car? What color? Which model? The large one or the small one? Yeah, really descriptive... Maybe we should change our phone greeting to "Thank you for calling the Psychic help desk, you don't have to tell us where your calling from, what kind of assistance you need; it's already done."

You know, those who are not willing to help themselves first, will never learn anything and I'm not talking about food. I guess you really don't need a high school diploma or a brain to work in the jobs that these people work in, just gotta be breathing and not decaying.

Corporate Politics - it seems that this is a very elusive topic with far too many definitions to mention here. Basically, to me, it means the way people will act upon another, be it friendly or underhandedly to further their own ajendas or careers in the attainment of financial success and social status. In laymans terms, one big pissing match, or an example, toss a hunk of meat into the middle of a hungry pack of dogs and see what happens...

With law enforcement, things are done a certain way, it makes more sense than the way a corporate entity does things. Unfortunately for me, no matter what I say, I might as well as tell a stone wall...

I can't say no more... till next time.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Look what I can do...

Just like Stuart doing his thing to get attention, I've been getting back into a hobby that I didn't realize I had enjoyed so much. I guess recently, with all these new mediums for displaying images, journal entries, etc... I have been trying to find more subject matters to take pictures of, mostly I want to show who ever looks at my pictures, what I see and the beauty or amazing things that I see. If your interested, you can visit the site by clicking here. There is also a link over to the right with the images that keeps changing called Tek's Pictures just under my "profile" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

These past couple of days, I've been also considering on scanning in my old photo's that I have and putting them up, some of them I took when I was in middle school, some in high school. Also it has been brought to my attention, some of the creative names that I have for the gripes of the people that I have written about... I've been thinking of drawing in some way, my idea of what these people look like. I promise there will be no similar likeness of the actual people, just my vivid imagination of the names that I had come up with for them...

Well, unfortunately, that's it for now, till next time...

Name Change...

Be it know from this day forth, Clown boy will now be referred to as Garbage Monkey Boy.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Never knew what I was missing till...

Since getting the new camera, I've never realized what I was missing since putting off my hobby for a long time. Now, I really want to get a Digital SLR camera and just travel around, taking pictures. Not as a job, but as a hobby to chronical my travels and life and to show people what I see and how I see it. I've really thought about this lately and what I would have to consider is to sell everything that I have, get a laptop instead and find a really, really reliable vehicle to travel around in. I don't know if it's the middle age itch or if it's just because I've been living in one place too long.

When I am able to get a Digital SLR camera, I've been considering 2 brands. One is the Nikon and the other is the Olympus. For some reason, I'm not impressed or interested in the Canon EOS camera, I guess it's because it seems too automatic than the Olympus and the Nikon and the 2 cameras that I am looking at seem a lot more like the 35mm film cameras which I am familiar with. It's not that I don't care for my current camera, it's just that I like to be able to focus the lens on my own and it still seems faster than my current camera which is a Olympus SP-350.

There are still other things that I do miss, like being able to go to the beach on a nice sunny day and just sit and watch the waves break on the shore, eating plate lunches (for those of you that don't know what a plate lunch is or have never been to Hawaii, you can get a plate lunch at the local fast food diners or lunch wagons) or being able to get shave ice. One other thing I miss is being able to take a drive up to Tantalus lookout at night and see the City Lights.

Anyway, recently I joined up with Blockbusters Mail Movie rental and had requested the Haunted Mansion starring Eddy Murphy, however, after putting into the DVD player and having a difficult time trying to play the movie, it turned out that the DVD was damaged, guess I'll have to return it and wait a couple more days till I get a replacement.

I also finally got my rebate back from Microsoft for a keyboard I purchased as a replacement to my previous IBM keyboard, a whole wopping ten dollars that only took about 2 months to get back, now I'm waiting for my rebate on my camera, I'm hoping that it'll be soon, that one was a fifty dollar rebate, which should be nice to get back.

Well, short one for now, till the next entry...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

It's 4 o'clock in the Morning

A line from the song "Someone saved my life tonight" by Elton John, written by Bernie Taupin, as I write this entry into my journal, it's exactly that, 4 o'clock in the morning. I can't sleep, maybe cause I was extremely tired for the past 5 days. It's like when you don't sleep and your really tired, but then at that certain point in time, all that feeling is gone and your wide awake.

I guess there has been a lot of things on my mind that have been bothering me, I knew that the Euphoria wouldn't last, I suspect that the euphoria was from all those chocolates that I've been eating, the Easter candy that I've been having available in a candy jar for anyone that wants a piece, can have a piece (or 2 or 3 or whatever's).

In the last 2 days, Ms. Wannabe has been really irritating the heck out of me. The point is, Ms. Wannabe thinks that no one notices, but I do, I guess its mostly because of my management and law enforcement background that I do notice these things. Now, one of the new employees that has recently joined the department that I work in has been doing the samething that Ms. Wannabe has been doing. I'll call this person the Hummingbird, this is due to this persons irritating habit of humming out loudly, then drumming on the desk and continues to hum again.

I don't know if it's because the Hummingbird is facing towards my direction or due to this persons tone or something else, but it is really irritating. Now I'm not the only one that is irritated by this. Another person, whom I'll refer to as Uncle Fester for now, has also mentioned that it gets irritating after a while. Another thing the Hummingbird has picked up by Ms. Wannabe is making personal calls while at work, this isn't that bad, it's just that the Hummingbird will make personal calls just about every 30 minutes, then the Hummingbird will "forget" about the incoming calls and there will be about 6 or 7 calls in the cue and still won't notice it.

Last night, the Hummingbird stayed late because this person came into work late, now for the shift that I work, we basically do it all, answer phones, monitor certain devices, open calls to vendors when those devices have failed and remote troubleshooting fails and update those calls to see if the vendor completed them or when they estimate that they'll be able to get to those devices. Well, the Hummingbird, who was also trained by Ms. Wannabe, just sat there, I don't know what the Hummingbird was doing, however no calls were opened, no updates made, nothing, like a rock sitting there doing nothing. Just to see if the Hummingbird was doing any of the updates, after the Man in Black informed the person of what duties we perform there, I left just one call that was still opened with a vendor to see if that person would call the vendor for an update... Surprise, surprise... Nothing.

One Ms. Wannabe is bad, 2 of them makes for a pretty ineffective department, basically, dead weight that needs to be cut loose. Not only that, when I was trained in briefly by Ms. Wannabe and I needed information about an issue I was working on, I was told to look up the information in our knowledge base, however, Ms. Wannabe has found a way to make it appear that she is working when she's basically doing nothing... She'll basically give a long speech of what needs to be done, then shows the person what to do and then she'll stay with them to make sure that they do it the way she showed them... Can you say "WASTE OF TIME"! Look idiot, there are other things to do, like take calls because there are people waiting to be answered and the number of calls waiting are still climbing, instead you choose to do a mini training? As Red Foreman would say "DUMBASS".

Just because you think your getting away with something and think that everyone around you is stupid and blind; your dumber and a lot more blind yourself. You know, I still remember when you said "I didn't graduate from High School", you know what? It shows. Another thing, seniority doesn't make up for being stupid. The point of the matter is, I don't like being treated like I was stupid nor do I like being considered stupid. Here is some words of wisdom, take or leave it, but here it is; no matter what you do or don't do, there is always someone watching what you do. It may not be just you, it maybe other people or not. There is always someone to judge you on what you do and what you say, so be mindful.

While I'm still getting things off my chest, I've added pictures I took of Clown boys desk, you want to talk about a slob? His desk worries me a bit, well, a lot. It's one big mess, granted that it's so far out of the way for most people, if they were to do a surprise walk through, his desk would be the most disgusting of them all, with all the trash and food left all over the place, I'm really surprised that the stuff hasn't started to rot and smell that area up. Absolutely wouldn't look good to the execs... Now, just to be fair, I will include pictures of my desk. I'll let you all be the judge...

Till next time...

Monday, April 03, 2006

If I were on Star Trek, I would be...

Figures... another quiz available I took, I would be:
(Added 04/07/2006 - Ok Just to be clear, I'm not gay, but it figures that it would be an Asian, let alone a Japanese person.)

Mr. Sulu

You are able to master many
skills such as swords,
plants and martial arts.
Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Quiz

Which Star Wars character are you?

After taking the quiz, If I were a Star Wars character, I would be:

Qui-Gon Jinn

Overall, you're a pretty well balanced person.
But maybe you focus a little too
much on the here and now.
Think about the future before its too late.

Click here to take the "Which Star Wars character am I?" quiz...

Which Serenity character are you?

If I were a character on Serenity, I would be:

Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
You sometimes make mistakes in judgment
but you are generally good and
would protect your crew from harm.

Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

Where ecstasy lives but sanity dies?

Today’s title comes from the lines of the lyrics to “I want you tonight” by Pablo Cruise, which if some of you out there have received emails from me is part of my tag line at the end of my emails:

Is there no way of fighting this feeling inside
Where ecstasy lives but sanity dies?
We all need more of each other

For lyrics, everyone has his or her own interpretation of what a song is about, for me, the above lines from the song has several different meanings all by itself, without the rest of the song. One meaning is that everyone is searching for love, when we find someone to love, our feelings take over and judgment goes out the window. This is especially true if we try too hard to find love and the right person.

Anyway, I guess spring is beginning to effect me; I have not been quite my “normal” self, as someone has noticed, and I have been a little more jovial in this past weeks. I do not know if it is the dreams that I cannot remember or the number of times that I have woken up in the middle of the night or the exhaustion that I have been feeling. Although I think it is the music, I have been listening to lately that could be affecting me, I have been listening to a lot of Ambient music, Jazz and “New Age” (Music with Gregorian Chants).

Since getting the new camera, I have wanted to take more pictures, however right now it is in the middle of the season change (going from snow to green) so everything is a dirty, dead looking scenery. I keep planning on going to the Como Conservatory and take pictures there, but it seems I keep putting it off. If I had the chance, I would like to travel and take pictures of animals, insects and plants that people do not usually see, like the fish that lives in the deserts of Arizona (Desert Pupfish).

Another place I would like to go back to is Japan, a place in particular, Hiroshima, my ancestral hometown. I did get a chance to visit Hiroshima for about a week in the summer of 1984 and still see the places and sights that I saw during my visits in my mind, but would like to get pictures of other places.

Oh, I almost forgot, one of the vendors that we work with at work finally knows what I really look like; the other vendor is still trying to figure that out, mostly because I prefer not to post my photograph on the net, I find that amusing.

Well, I guess I will end it here, a little longer than the last entry, but still short. Until Next Time and oh yeah, I hope everyone remembered to set their clocks 1 hour ahead for daylight savings (except those living in Hawaii).